Tuesday, March 26, 2013


To 'right to carry' proponents...
Do you not realize that by carrying weapons in public you require public law enforcement to focus on you and not the real criminals who may be in the area you are in?
By carrying in public you are effectively nullifying law enforcement in that area. And what would you expect any police force to focus on more than someone carrying a gun in public? Are they supposed to think "Oh, since he's showing his rifle in public, he must be carrying it legally..." Like criminals can't figure that out!!!???

This is also the case if you take your gun into a bar where the bar owner keeps a gun behind the counter, or a grocery store, or theater, or campus which employees professional security.

This post was prompted by some video I just saw on tv of two guys carrying exposed rifles to a speech being given by a 'gun control' advocate, Oregon State Senator, Ginny Burdick. I just thought 'what are the limits?' People with a 'right to carry' license are not required to hide their weapons. Should that be a rule? The picture of guys walking down the street with a handgun hanging in their hand is obviously too much.


I am a Liberal who is in favor of all of the gun control measures being considered by the Obama administration and more, BUT!

I am really tired of the 'no compromise ever' attitude of the Left at this moment.

If we 'the Left' showed a little embracement of their 'security guard' idea, we could use it to win on many other gun issues, including stopping what some states and municipalities are already doing...arming teachers and administrators. That is dangerous. If we promoted 'security guards at schools' over arming teachers etc. that would be a good thing for all.

Armed guards instead of 'carry at will' would lead to fewer guns on the streets because it satisfies many gun owners urge to arm the general public.  It is a fact that if 'the Left' joined 'the Right' on this it would move congress closer to enacting the gun control issues most of America wants.

We on the Left want many significant changes in our present system of controlling fire arms available to the public. If we don't find SOMETHING to give back in return, we will not get what we want.

No major university, from the University of Georgia (where I work) to Virginia Tech (where my wife worked) is going to consider eliminating their campus police force. So, it's not a 'crazy idea' for conservatives to  suggest some similar version of security at our public schools. We can and should talk about this, along with all of the other changes on the board.

We have to do this together if it is to be done.

Does the NRA Want Us to Shoot the Cops if We're Busted?

At CPAC the leader of the NRA, Wayne Lapierre, said this...
"Our individual liberty is the very essence of America. It is what makes America unique. If you aren’t free to protect yourself — when government puts its thumb on that freedom — then you aren’t free at all."

Almost everybody in the USA (especially Libertarians like Rand Paul etc.) agrees that the Government is waay out of line to jail people over Pot possession in their own homes...so does the NRA think we should shoot it out with the cops if we're busted?


Question for Gun Owners...How Much is Enough?

Since we obviously need to clearly define our positions in order to have a logical debate...What limits on ownership of weapons would you approve of? Many of you have joked that the 'Left' says you want Tanks and Atomic bombs, but where do you draw the limit?

For my part, I would limit gun ownership to two fire arms, with a maximum of six rounds each and universal registration requirements with background checks.

The 2nd Amendment was not intended to help citizens overthrow their government! At the time of its passage we had no standing army and this amendment was meant to allow us to be ready to form militias to defend ourselves from foreign attackers, not for revolution!
Read it:
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."


Liability Insurance for Gun Owners....

This is re-posted from a Facebook friend... I think it is very logical-Chip

From my FB friend Patrick........The SOLUTIONS exists..Lets move FORWARD!!!!!......If you drive a car in America you have to have liability insurance, if you own a gun and that gun kills or harms someone you have zero liability for owning such a weapon, lets have all the gun owners buy insurance and that insurance will fund national healthcare for the emergency room that those guns will fill up. Why should the American people pay for gun owners negligence over and over again?


Can we all agree that this inauguration was far safer because everyone WAS NOT armed?


 The children of Sandy Hook died for our sins of omission

 Here's How We Make Things Better

1. We need real gun control, banning military weapons for the public and with full formal registration and insurance required, just like for auto ownership and operation.

2. We need to end the drug war which is the prime cause of gun violence and preoccupies our police forces and penal systems keeping them from focusing on our real problems.

3. We need to reinvest in our public mental health system. When President Reagan cut the tax rates on rich Americans by two thirds he also had to cut some other things to make it add up. The biggest thing he cut was our nation's vast system of public mental health institutions. Since then we've seen our streets become littered with mentally ill homeless people and it has become prohibitively expensive for people to get treatment for loved ones with serious psychological problems.

America has been going backwards for over thirty years because of our lack of investment in the public good and lack of the taxation policies we had from 1932 to 1986 which allowed for it. This price is too high for selfishness and greed.


Save our Children in Three Easy Steps

1. Armed Guard at School Entrance and a Total Ban on Assault Rifles.
2. Reinvest in our public Mental Health Institutions.
3. End the Drug War.


Mass Killings-How We Got Here

Truthfully, as far a stretch as it may seem I can take things like this back to the start of the drug war and the Reagan tax cuts. Here's how...
I was born in 1955 and was a young adult before those two events took place. I was a bit of a juvenile delinquent starting in grade school. I received a great deal of special attention and counseling from teachers and police and I came to respect and appreciate them.
But in today's world law enforcement has become overburdened and dysfunctional, spending most of their time and budget on things they shouldn't be doing and less and less on what they should. That's mostly the drug war, but the Reagan tax cuts hurt police too and those cuts allowed/required Reagan to completely disassemble our nations entire massive system of mental health hospitals.
Better and more well funded policing, schooling and mental health care could very well have made the difference for this sick kid. With our prison system 600% more populated PER-CAPITA than it was when I was young, how can we hope to give troubled youths the attention they need?

Connecticut Tragedy Tied to Reagan Shutting Mental Hospitals

When President Reagan cut the tax rates on rich Americans by two thirds he also had to cut some other things to make it add up. The biggest thing he cut was our nation's vast system of public mental health institutions. Since then we've seen our streets become littered with mentally ill homeless people and it has become prohibitively expensive for people to get treatment for loved ones with serious psychological problems.

Since then, tragic eruptions of senseless violence have become an all too regular event in our lives in the USA. Clearly this troubled young man needed care he didn't get and now we all pay with our hearts and the lives of innocents.

Certainly there are other issues, involved. The drug war has overburdened our law enforcement and penal system and it has forced many young pot users to 'fake pot' bath salts which rot the brain and cocaine users to 'fake cocaine' crystal meth' which is mental illness in a bottle. The limited success of the drug war has resulted in people taking man made poisonous substitutes which are far far worse for one's health and truly can mentally disable the user.

And of course, gun laws allowing unlimited ownership of  powerful weapons never even dreamt of 50 years ago is utter insanity.

America has been going backwards for over thirty years because of our lack of investment in the public good and lack of the taxation policies we had from 1932 to 1986 which allowed for it. And of course our insane drug and gun laws.

God help us come to our senses.

1 comment:

  1. Go to chigago which is gun free and let me know how that pans out for you. Mostly because they have one of the highest crime rates in the nation as well as the most strict gun laws should it not be murder free?
